Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pictures of people I love

Recently I have been able to take some very special pictures for some very special people in my life. I got to take Mirandas and Brents pregnant pictures and Sister Bennion's ( one of my best friends) mission pictures for her family. I love how they turned out and love the people even more!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

November 26th

So since I found out I am pregnant I have been sick. On Monday I had to take a little trip to the hospital for dehydration due to me not being able to keep anything down. Once they stuck that I.V. in me though I felt better than I had the entire week. One good thing from the visit was I had to have an ultra sound, I got to see my little baby and see its little heart beat. I found out I am due November 26th (black Friday) could it be more appropriate??!!! I love shopping especially Black Friday! I go shopping every year early early early!!! Guess I wont be doing that this year. So today I am officially seven weeks. The doctor put me on Zofran and it is pretty much making living possible. I have not thrown up since but my stomach never feels quite normal. It also make me drowsy so when I'm done with work all I want to do is lay on my couch or go to sleep, I have not been to a store in 2 whole weeks!! That is a new record! And all I want to eat is fast food, the thought of preparing food doesn't sit real well with my stomach. I know all this will go away in a few weeks or months but I sure wish it would go away now!!! Good thing I have the best husband who serves me and takes care of me constantly! He is so sweet and tries to understand what I'm going through. He's a keeper.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mommy to be

Yep, My eggo is preggo! Found out Sunday after waking up from a nap and feeling extra crappy. Took a pregnancy test, and well the rest is history! It's funny cause just a few weeks ago, when I would have been only a week or two I went to a bunko night with my sister and the theme was come as you would be in 2015. We both went as a pregnant ladies because in 5 years we figured we would be having kids, little did I know that I really was pregnant! Brett and I are really excited, and feel so blessed. I'm already feeling sick and throwing up which is NOT COOL AT ALL but I'll deal with it! Here is a little sneak peek of what I'll look like in no time at all!