Wednesday night our new house was broken into through our back fence and back door. They stole all of Brett's and his Dad's tools, along with a borrowed paint sprayer and our new garage door opener system. I went over to the house and realized what had happened and immediately felt violated and angry. Remodeling a house on a tight budget, not being able to be in my own home and now this was the last straw. Yes, having all our expensive tools stolen sucks but it is more the feeling that someone was in MY house without my permission that really leaves me feeling anxious and very upset. Any ways this post is not about all that, the title says "Sam" and that's what I want to talk about. Sam is my little brother. He is the youngest of seven children and my mom had him when she was 40. Sam has severe learning disability's, yet no disabilities when it comes to serving others without question. Sam has a gift to cheer anyone up at anytime and knows and feels other peoples pain and heart ache better than anyone I have ever known. He is Christ like and well beyond his years when it comes to the pure love of Christ. Yesterday while cleaning my clients home I got a call from Sam telling me that he had gotten up with my dad at 5am to go work. He earned $10.00 an hour and had decided that he was going to give me his hard earned $36.00 (the other $4.00 was for tithing) I held the phone as tears fell from my tired and overwhelmed eyes. After a long silence I told Sam that I would not take his hard earned money and thanked him. Sam explained that he was doing service and wanted to give the money to Brett and I to help buy the tools we needed to finish our home. He insisted I take it. What a reminder of what is really important in this life. There are good people and good things going on, Sam helped me remember that in my time of need.
Love you Sammy.