Show allSo yesterday I called my Mom and was telling her about my horrible day when she asked me if I had gotten anything in the mail. I said I had not checked it since Sunday, she told me to check it when i got home cause a package was being sent, I asked her who sent it and she said she could not tell me, than being the sweet and innocent person she is she said "who is the most generous in our family?" I immediately knew it was from my oldest sister
Sarah. Sarah is the nicest most giving person I have ever known, she would literally give me the shirt off her back if I asked for it. There have been so many times when I have had a bad day or been going through a rough time and Sarah has been there with a lunch date or a sweet gift.
So back to the package, Today we were finally able to go pick it up at out complex office I went there thinking it was just going to be a normal little package but no it was a huge box, my face was glowing when i walked back out to the car to meet Brett, he even commented on how happy i looked!! Hello its mail!!! Of course I get overly excited!!! So we get home and we open it and what is inside????
4TH OR JULY STUFF!!! Decorations, bubbles, Old Navy 4th of July shirts, my favorite candy, 4th of July cups and straws, nerf guns, chalk (which I had just told Brett I wanted to do!!) and of course the greatest 4th of July movie... SANDLOT!!!! LOVE IT!!! I made Brett put his shirt on right than with me and I have been wearing it ever since!!

So Sarah Thank you so much for thinking and missing us enough to send this sweet package! You are the greatest example to me and hope some day I can be as kind, positive, giving, selfless and sweet as you are. I am seriously amazed at your amazingness!!! (No its not a word, I made it up!!) We love and miss you tons,
thanks for sending a piece of home to us, it helped a lot.Love you.